Daydream Diary, Volume 1 Page 2
“Fuck me Barren! Fuck me Barren!” I softly chanted in his ear.
He pounded me harder and deeper until we both saw fireworks (bombs bursting in air). I lightly ran my fingernails across his back and wiped the sweat from his forehead as I waited for his body to stop jerking. As soon as he lifted himself from my body, I shifted back into a mist and left the scene as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to ruin really great sex with awkward small talk. I darted through the vents and went back to their bathroom. I drained the rest of Marsha’s water and transformed into a wind tunnel, lifting Marsha from the tub and drying her off. I placed her in the night gown that was folded on the vanity and laid her in bed. I found a small opening on the side of a window and let myself out. Once I was outside, I shifted into an owl, extending my wings to feel the night air sweep through my feathers. I climbed into bed with a smile on my face wondering where and when I would get the presidential treatment again.
My Baby:Sup Love?
Me:What’s up Sweetie. I’m sittin here in this meeting, ready to get out of here. 5 can’t get here fast enuf.
My Baby:I know, me 2. Work is slow 2day. I wud bring u lunch but Fred called in sick 2day so I’m the only 1 here
Me:Dang, 4real? L That wud hav been nice. A milkshake wud do wonders for my moral rit now. I hav a confession 2 make.
My Baby:A good confsn or a bad confsn? Don’t go Usher on me...
Me:Oh, it’s a good 1 ;)
My Baby: Ok, lets here it sexy.
Me:I confess to being a horny nut-case over here. I can’t focus on anything going on arnd me. All I see is sex. Its like the old Tootsie Roll song – evrythng I think I see, becomes a big, hard cock to me :)
My Baby:Oh Word!?! That’s whats up! I was thinkin about eating that pretty pussy of yours myself
Me:I swear I mit have to hit the ladies room & perform some self-service so I can concentrate and get some work done.
My Baby:Go ahead! And send me a picture of your pussy while your in thr
Me:Ok, give me sec
Me:Hey, there’s 2 many ppl coming in and out for me to masturbate but I’ll still send u the pic
My Baby:Mmmm, tasty. Dam, u got me hard as hell ovr here. I cant wait til u get home so I can suck on that clit & those tits!!!
Me: Sounds good, don’t stop til u get enuf babe ;), Send me a pic of ur dick babe
My Baby:Did you get it?
Me:Yes and I want you in my mouth pronto! I know I’m gna blow u 4 at least ½ hr this evening. When I get off, Im just gna start taking my clothes off in the car
My Baby: Whr r u right now?
Me:Back at my desk, the meeting’s ovr. Hey, send me a video of u stroking ur dick. It can be short 10-15sec, just get some lotion or oil, I wanna see it wet
My Baby:U r so freaky, lol... R u serious?
Me: Yes, as serious as a child support check. Let me see it babe!
My Baby:Ok, I gotta go 2 the back
Me: Now that’s what I’m talkin about! Like the way u handle it baby. Can’t wait to feel you in my mouth and my pussy. Run my tongue up & dwn the sides of ur cock. I want u 2 cum in my mouth 2
My Baby:And what else?
Me:I want u 2 b ruf w/ me 2nit, just abuse me! J
My Baby:Oh, so no slow CDs and candles 2night?
Me:No Sir! Not 2nit! Just a whole lot of good old fashion, pedal 2 the metal, window 2 the wall, Uncle Luke don’t stop get-it ,get-it FUCKIN!!! :D
My Baby:lmao, girl u a trip!
Me:I know, that’s y u love me so much. I’m ur trip, I’m ur freak, ur whore, ur momma, ur daddy, ur nga in the ally... I’m ur Pusher!!! Tell the truth, I got u turned out on this pussy, don’t I? U’ll nvr be the same again
My Baby:I love u and I’m in love w/ u, but I don’t know about “turned out”
Me:Ok, call it what u want, but I bet u wont be able to leave me & if we do break up, u’ll always want me back. It’s ok babe, just means I know how 2 treat u
My Baby:And what about u? I have your head gone 2. I can tell by the way u scream my name when I’m servin u those multiple orgasms
Me:I don’t deny my feelings. U know I’m off on u, have been 4 a while now. And don’t even think about leavin me. I’ll kill u and her!
Me:Just kidding about the “kill” part. But don’t test me now (in my caribbean voice) Guess what baby?
My Baby:What?
Me:I’m still horny as hell! KittyKat just won’t let up 2day!
My Baby:Me 2. 2 bad u have a glass office, I’d have u send me a video of u petting the kittykat
Me:Yeah, these glass walls r ridiculous, but I wanna wait until we’re 2gthr so we can do it all!!! I don’t know how I’m gna get passed the nxt few hrs, my vagina is in a rage.
My Baby:damn, its in a rage?
Me:Hell yeah!!! It’s a tingling feeling that just won’t go away. Well, let me try 2 get my head 2gther so I can get some work done. I’ll hit u in a few.
My Baby:Cool, just prepare to be ravaged when you get home
Me:Ravaged? Where did u get that word from?
My Baby:True Blood
Me:lol, I’ll be looking forward 2 it!!! ;)
My Baby:I have a customer, txt me on your next break Hun
Me:K, later Sweetie
Whores’ Day
It was another Friday night, I was fresh out of the shower, and I was ready to hit the strip. I pulled my red thong and matching bra from my over-stuffed lingerie drawer and tossed them on my bed while I rummaged through my closet’s shoe trenches to find the perfect matching pair of red pumps to complement my lingerie. “Ah, there they are,” I thought to myself after digging for several minutes. I sat my heels down beside my bed and went to the mirror to add the finishing touches to my look. I took the banana-clip from my hair and let my soft, wavy curls wisp across the middle of my back. I tossed my hair to-and-fro freely adding blasts of hair spray where I needed it. I put on my make-up and traced my lips with my favorite crimson lipstick to accent my whore-drobe. The lip color added the perfect amount of sizzle to my ensemble. Once hair and make-up were in order, I slipped into my lingerie, stepped into my heels, and covered myself with a black trench coat. I made my final inspection in the mirror by the door—tits nice and perky, tummy sucked in, and shoes high enough to put me with the stars.
I tightened the belt on my trench coat and strutted out the door twisting every curve. It was mid-fall, when the days are warm, but nights are brisk. I definitely appreciated the extra lining Ralph added for me. The sound of my clacking high heels echoed off the buildings in the city street. I could see my post a two blocks ahead and mentally prepared myself for a night’s work. I heard the breaks of a slowing vehicle and I turned my head to look behind me.
“How much for everything, baby?” a man in a white Chevy Charger asked me. I squinted my eyes to fine-tune my vision and get a better look at him.
“I don’t do anal or anything with human excrement, but other than that, it’ll be $500.”
“Five-hundred dollars and you don’t do anal? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? You better be able to suck the wheels off of a Chevy for prices like that,” he complained in an asshole tone of voice.
“I kid you not. That’s my price. So what’s it gonna be? I don’t have all night to chit-chat,” I replied without haste, chewing my gum, and my hands on my hips.
“Lift your coat. Let me see how that ass looks.” So I spun around and gave him a quick flash.
“Okay, let’s go.”
I got in the front seat to find a giant, monster cock hanging out of his pants. Once I was able to look away from his massive dick, I noticed that he was a decent-looking guy—baby-smooth skin, nice lips, and a fit body.
“You certainly don’t like to waste time do you? “ I asked as my eyes were magnetically drawn to his tree-trunk cock again.
“No, I don’t. Now go ahead and give me some head while I drive to a
good spot,” he ordered me, stroking his stiffness.
He reached around my neck and lowered my head between his legs. I stroked the base of his cock and gave the head a light glazing with the tip of my tongue. I cupped his balls and licked it from base to head on all sides like a giant dicksicle.
“Don’t tease me, suck that dick,” he commanded me again, rubbing the side of my face and mouth.
I took his orders and deep-throated him. If there’s one thing I knew I could do well, it was sucking dick. I found out in high school that I didn’t have a gag-reflex, so dick-sucking became my specialty.
“Hell yeah, suck that dick bitch!” Shoving my head all the way down on his cock until it filled my esophagus.
I pressed my lips and mouth together firmly and worked him in and out of my drenching mouth. I spit on it, sucked, and stroked...... spit, sucked, stroked; sucking his dick like clockwork…….. I was enjoying giving him head just a little too much because I’d lost track of time down there. I started to realize that we’d been riding for well over 20 minutes, and there were at least five hotels within minutes from where he picked me up. Where was this guy taking me? I stroked him with my hand and took a quick peek over the dash board. We were on a dark, isolated country road; one that I didn’t recognize. I kept stroking his erect cock as I peered into the darkness hoping to see some sort of street sign that would help ease my rising fears.
“Where are we driving to?” I asked trying to sound composed and calm.
“Somewhere they’ll never find you,” mimicking my calm inflection.
“What do you mean? Who’ll never find me?”
“Wanna hear a story?” He asked with a blank expression on his face. His eyes never left the road. “About two years ago I was deployed from Afghanistan. I wanted to show up and surprise my fiancé with a big hug and tickets to Hawaii for our honeymoon. It was a Sunday morning and I was tired from driving all night from the base. I was expecting her to be getting ready for church. Paula loved her church. I can remember our church picnics when we were kids--her favorite purple dress blowing in the wind and ribbons flowing in her hair; we’d play for hours. But back to the real story… I’m excited and ready to see the woman I’ve loved for the past 22 years, and haven’t seen in over two. Can you guess what my homecoming gift was?......... I found Paula in our bed sucking my best friend Nick’s dick. I was calm. I didn’t do anything, in fact, I let them finish. I walked downstairs, got my camcorder out of the closet and recorded the whole thing. When they were finished, I left. They never knew I was ever in the house. I drove down the block, called her on a pay phone and told her I’d be home in an hour or so. Oh, Paula was so happy. She said she couldn’t wait to put her arms around her Sugar Bear. So I let it go, and waited a whole year to see if Paula and Nick would come clean. On the same day, the following year, I had Paula fix us a nice dinner and asked Nick to stop by to help me move a few pieces of furniture. When Nick got there, I took them both in the living room and told them I had something special I wanted them to see. I plugged the camcorder into the television and played the video of them fucking in my bed. I pulled my gun outta my holster and asked either of them if they had anything they wanted to say. Of course they started to beg and plead, but it was too late. They had a whole year to make it right and tell the truth about what they’d been doing. But no, they wanted to keep laughing behind my goddam back and playing me for a fool. I put a bullet in both their heads. I would say I got the last laugh on that one.
Yeap, that was two years ago today, October 29th. Me and Paula never got married, so I made my own special day to celebrate each year. Every year on October 29th I celebrate Whores’ Day. In honor of the whore that broke my heart. I find me a pretty little whore, just like you and Paula, and I fuck em and then I kill em. My folks have an old estate a few miles up the road that the family doesn’t use anymore. I figured I’d put it to good use and make it burial grounds for Paula, Nick, and all other whores that will deserv to die in the years to come. But I don’t know, a girl with a sweet mouth like yours might deserve to live. What do you think?”
My pulse pounded in my ears, “I think whores deserve to be fucked, but I don’t think they deserve to die.”
He smiled. “Well that’s a good answer. I like a whore with a sense of humor. Paula had a sense of humor too.”
He turned right on to a dirt road and drove until we reached an old plantation house with a barn next to it. He parked behind the barn and turned off the ignition. I kept my head as still as I could, just moving my eyes, searching through the abyss of darkness that surrounded me. My hair blocked the side of my face and he couldn’t see how frantically I was moving my eyes, trying to find an escape or a weapon. The clock on the stereo emitted a soft, green glow inside the car. I slowly straighten my back and made myself more comfortable. Nothing moved but my left hand that was still stroking his concrete cock. I was looking straight ahead, but I could feel his piercing stare burning a hole in the side of my face.
“City whores don’t scare very easily, do they?” He asked coldly. He turned my chin to face him so that he could look directly into my eyes. His thumb ran back and forth across my lower lip. “I bet a whore like you has been through something like this plenty of times. I bet you won’t be able to get away this time,” he reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a gun. “Are you scared now?” Pointing the gun to my temple. “Paula and Nick were scared when they saw this nice piece of weaponry.”
I nodded my head, yes.
“Put your lips on that hard dick! I’m tired of your filthy whore hands!” He yelled in agitation. “You need to suck it like your life depends on it!”
I felt the cool tip of the gun on the back of my neck as my mouth went up and down his cock. I went as slow as I could because I didn’t want him to cum. I needed more time to think of a way out.
“Do you like the way that dick tastes in your mouth you dirty slut?” Grabbing my hair and slamming my face into his crotch. “You goddam whore! Can’t you suck a dick any better than that?!?” Shouting his insults and pulling my hair. “I can’t wait to pull this trigger and blow your fucking brains out! Suck that dick! Suck it, you raggedy whore!” He jerked my head and thrust in and out of my mouth. He sat his gun on the dashboard and used both his hands to push his cock deeper into my throat. It became harder and harder as he violently raped my mouth. He jerked my head back and came on my lips. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet.” He snatched the gun from the dashboard and jumped out of the car. In a rage, he marched over to my door, flung it open, and pulled me out by my hair. I stumbled as my five-inch heels sunk into the ground with each clumsy step. He backed me against the car and sat the pistol on the roof. “Take this shit off!” The buttons on my trench coat snapped as he ripped it off. He put one hand around my throat and used the other to tear my bra and panties from my limp and unsteady frame. He opened the back door and wrestled me to the back seat, twisting me so that I was face down. I squirmed beneath him as he wedged his way inside of me.
“What’s wrong? I thought whores deserved to be fucked,” he taunted, gripping my hair and forcing my face deeper into the seat until I was almost suffocating. “Take this dick, bitch!” He pummeled me from behind.
My muffled screams where screams of pleasure and pain. A part of me enjoyed it. I was trapped under the weight of his body as he fucked me mercilessly. I felt his warm release inside of me and the twitching of his body on top of me. He took a few deep breathes, then quickly recovered and jumped to his feet, pants still around his ankles. I heard the gun scape across the roof as he hurriedly picked it up.
“Whores like you destroy men. You don’t deserve to walk another day on this Earth. Lights out, Bitch!” He pulled the trigger and sprinkles of water sprayed across my back.
“Bravo! Bravo!” I applauded. “Now that was a performance!”
“You think so? I do my best for you, Babe,” he winked, fastening his pants.
“I will personally see that
you get an Oscar for that.”
He tossed the water gun on the floor and helped me out of the back seat.
“Sorry about your coat and your panties. I got lost in the moment,” he snickered.
It was well worth it. Who’s place is this anyway?”
“It really does belong to my family, but no one has time to keep this place up anymore. I haven’t been here in years. This role-playing stuff is cool. What do you wanna do next?”
“Hmmmm.......... I think I need to dominate you next time. How about.... I’ll play a judge and you’ll be a concerned dad that’s willing to do anything to keep your delinquent daughter out of jail?”
“What are you gonna make me do?”
“Several things. Just come to my office after court.”
We laughed and pitched different scenarios as he drove us back to the city.
Rock Star
I was visiting my old friend Melissa in Atlanta, Georgia for a carefree weekend of shopping, partying, and pampering. I met Melissa years ago when I was in my early 20s, exploring life and looking for adventure and good times. We attended the same art school where she was a music major and I was pursuing the visual arts. We shared the same tenacious hunger for life and control-freak compulsiveness that landed her an extremely lucrative position as a VP at a major record label. She signed the last five major recording artists on the pop and R&B charts.
This retreat was just what I needed, nothing but good music, laughter, and some new handsome men to flirt with. Melissa always had a new ring of cute, interesting men to keep us entertained on my visits. She owned two houses in Atlanta: a penthouse downtown usually used for entertaining, and a 7,000ft2 home in the suburbs. It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I pulled up to the high-rise. My heart filled with nothing but bliss and anticipation of all the ridiculous fun we were going to have. The doorman helped me with my luggage and ushered me to the private elevator to the penthouse. When the elevator doors opened, Melissa was there waiting to greet me with a big smile and a “girl, have I missed you” hug. Every time I walked into her living room, I would lose my breath. There were floor-to-ceiling windows with a jaw-dropping view of the city. She immediately began to tell me about a party her record label was throwing to celebrate her new alternative rap artist, Angel, who went triple platinum within one month of his album release.